After five months of implementing measures to mitigate the covid-19 outbreak, the business sector in Panama is calling for the removal of unreasonable, technical and unconstitutional restrictions that are working against the success of economic and social recovery.
So far, Panama is the country that has registered the most abrupt fall in its level of economic activity in Central America, with a -41% year-on-year variation in the IMAE in May 2020.
The number of people who moved to locations identified as supermarkets or pharmacies is another data that shows that the quarantine in Panama has been one of the strictest. Reports from CentralAmericaData indicate that as of July 10, the country reported a 44% drop in the level of concentration of people in these types of establishments, compared to the levels registered in the last week of February. This reduction is the worst reported in all of Central America.
In this scenario, the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Panama (CCIAP) calls for the reopening of the economy, but without bureaucratic ties or measures that do not adhere to legality and due process.