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Global Water Crisis: What are Israel & Australia doing ?

Photo by Ken Treloar on Unsplash

Updated: Mar 29, 2020

Water Crisis - no  drinking water

2019 Update

Every day, hundreds of millions of people are impacted by the global water crisis. Together, unsafe water and the inaccessibility of basic sanitation are leading contributors to extreme poverty.

Access to clean water changes everything; it’s a stepping-stone to development. When people gain access to clean water, they are better able to practice good hygiene and sanitation.

Facts & History:

2015: About 2.6 billion people have gained access to clean water in the last 25 years, and about 1.4 billion gained basic access to sanitation since 2000. The U.N. member states sign on to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)—successors to the MDGs, that promise clean water and sanitation for all by 2030.

2018: Worldwide, 2.1 billion people still live without safe drinking water in their homes and more than 892 million people still have no choice but to defecate outside.


Amazing progress has been made in making clean drinking water accessible to 2.6 billion people in developing countries from 1990 to 2015. Yet there are still many opportunities to multiply the benefits of clean water through improved sanitation and hygiene education.

Globally, 844 million people lack access to clean water. Without clean, easily accessible water, families and communities are locked in poverty for generations. Children drop out of school and parents struggle to make a living.

The majority of people drinking unsafe water, approximately 81 %

percent, are living in rural, underserved regions of the world.

Photo by Jeff Ackley on Unsplash


By 2025, an estimated 1.8 billion people will live in areas plagued by water scarcity, with two-thirds of the world’s population living in water-stressed regions.

According to the U.S. Intelligence Community Assessment of Global Water Security, by 2030 humanity’s “annual global water requirements” will exceed “current sustainable water supplies” by 40%.

Benefits - What are the benefits of water, sanitation, and hygiene for children and families?

An investment in clean water, combined with basic sanitation and hygiene education, is one of the most effective ways to improve lives and fight extreme poverty. The benefits include:

  • Water, sanitation, and hygiene programs work together to powerfully prevent the spread of most illnesses and are one of the most effective ways to reduce child deaths.

  • Safe water, sanitation, and hygiene help kids grow taller, smarter, and stronger.

  • Families spend less money on healthcare and are better able to pay for things like school supplies and fees.

Israel and the water crisis

Israel has solved its water crisis! That’s a typical headline about Israel’s world-leading smart water management and advanced water technology.

Five years into a severe drought, it’s more accurate to say that Israel is constantly inventing and implementing practical solutions to a problem that is not entirely solvable.

The process was done by desalinated Mediterranean water at the world’s largest seawater desalination plant, to produce a clear as the H2O and drinkable water.

Sixty to 80% of Israel’s municipal water, adjusted according to season and real-time demand, flows from large coastal desal plants in Sorek, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Palmachim and Hadera.

Sorek, world’s largest desal plant.

Operational since 2013, Sorek is the largest seawater reverse osmosis desalination plant in the world. It is operated for the government by water-treatment pioneer IDE Technologies, established in 1965 by Technion-trained scientists.

Stars of David mark the Sorek desalination plant in Israel. Photo by Abigail Klein Leichman

IDE is now a multinational company with 400 desal and wastewater treatment installations in more than 40 countries.

Australia Found A Simple Way To Save Water From Plastic Pollution

Last year, during the summer season, the authorities of Kwinana, a city in Australia, installed the new system for filtration in Henley Reserve. The system is incredibly simple.

water net

This system consists of one net which is placed on the outlet of a drainage pipe which helps in capturing debris and in keeping the environment safe and protected from every type of contamination.

In fact, these pipes are draining water from some residential areas into natural areas. Also, the litter and trash from these places may be overwhelming, or even harmful for the environment. Moreover, the heavy rains usually wash the trash away, pulling it down to these systems of drainage.

book Israel solution

2017 -"Let There Be Water" Israel's Solution For A Water Starved World

by Seth SiegelNY Times Best Selling Author



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