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Tips how to use Quora to promote your blog

Updated: Dec 13, 2020

What is Quora ?

Quora is a powerful platform for driving increased traffic to your blog conducting Q&A content marketing.

drive traffic

How to get traffic from Quora ?

What do you need to do:

1. Create a Quora account, optimize your profile. Write a good profile with good credentials and description. You are requested to choose your interested fields (expertise area ), select at least 10 topics so please select the topics that you have knowledge , experience, education.

2. Choose the question that you want to answer and always stay active.

Recommendation: Choose question that has more follows so more people get the notification when you answer.


3. Make a trustworthy brand of your profile. So people can trust you and you will be requested to answer more and more questions.. This will help to increase traffic.

4. Write briefly. Give the answers that will attract people to read more from you. Try to use simple language, be direct, and be conversational to connect with users on a more emotional level. You can give a large or a short answer with some important aspects. give users no reason to look for other answers. Put a link in the answer of your full detail post so that people can go for that to get the full answer.


5. If you see a question and if the short part of your blog post is able to give the short answer then, copy that part of a blog post and just copy and paste in an answer and in give the link below of your full blog post.

6. The benefits of the "Search Quora Tool Bar".

search quora toolbar

The "Search Quora" is powerful toolbar to generate blog post title. Pick out one of the best keyword rich topic for next blog post. write a reply on the question with link after your post on the blog. It'll drive a long run traffic to your blog.

7. Answer similar questions while providing the same link to your content.

quora link

8. Quora not only allows text-based answers — you may also include videos, images, social media handles, quotes, and customized links to your content.

9. Reply to The Most Viewed and interesting Questions.

Always write a question that has got high views and interesting. It shows the popularity of the topic and most of the people look for reply for their solution on the issue.

quora follow


My experience is that you cannot get 10,000 or 100,000 viewers / followers in a very short period , but if your content is good , with a good quality and if you remain consistent in the quality of information you provide the Quora community, you’re well on your way there.

free traffic from quora

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